All the entries on chromasia are placed into one of seven primary categories: six to reflect the aspect ratio of the image, and the seventh to indicate that an image isn’t available as a print. Additionally, each photograph may be assigned to one of more additional categories or subcategories, e.g. my travel category, children category, and so on.
Images in this category were taken during a commission for the Van Volxem winery in Wiltingen, Germany.

Every image tells a story.
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8.17am on 7/10/07 Canon 5D EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM 48mm f/4.0 1/8 aperture priority +1/3 evaluative 200 no RAW ACR none minor |

My apologies for not posting anything yesterday, but I've come down with one of the many summer colds that are doing the rounds and didn't manage to take anything worth posting.
And today, things just got worse.
Our new puppy had a fight with one of our cats, and left the kitchen looking like an out-take from the Texas Chainsaw massacre, and Libby blew the engine on the car. The dog's fine (it was worse than it looked), but it looks as though our trusty old Volvo 940 has come to the end of the line. It was due it's MOT later this week, and we already thought it might prove too expensive to fix (it's only worth a few hundred quid and has done almost 200,000 miles), but it looks like it's either blown the cylinder head gasket or the turbo. Either way it's going to be too expensive to fix.
Anyway, virii, pets, and vehicles aside, I was browsing through some of the shots I took last summer in Germany, and came across this one: a shot of Roman Niewodniczanski, the owner of the winery I was photographing during my trip.
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7.32am on 2/10/07 Canon 1Ds Mark II EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM 185mm f/4.0 1/85 aperture priority +1/3 evaluative 200 no RAW C1 Pro minor |

I've been down in London over the last couple of days, validating a degree at UEL, so have been raiding my archive of shots I took in Germany last month.
This one was taken in the cellars of the Van Volxem winery and is a ‘true’ HDR, by which I mean it's constructed from four separate RAW files rather than one (as with this shot) – ranging from a 16 second exposure to a 3 minute one. The reason the exposure times are so long is that I shot at f/16 to get the star-shaped refraction from the lights.
Oh, and I think this one looks better with the black theme.
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around 10.30am on 3/10/07 Canon 1Ds Mark II EF 16-35mm f/2.8L II USM 16mm f/16 16s to 3 minutes manual n/a evaluative 100 no RAW C1 Pro minor perspective correction |
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• 3x2 + HDR + travel [Wiltingen, Germany] + commissions |

I had planned to get out today and shoot some new material, but by the time I'd finished everything else I needed to do, it didn't happen. So here's one more from my recent(ish) trip to Germany.
And in case you're not sure what you're looking at: this is a small fork-lift truck that's used to move crates between the vines for the harvested grapes.
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11.49am on 2/10/07 Canon 5D EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM 190mm f/5.6 1/200 aperture priority +0.0 evaluative 100 no RAW C1 Pro minor |

I thought this was a fitting follow-up to yesterday's shot of the wine bottles :-)
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8.22am on 2/10/07 Canon 5D EF 100mm f/2.8 Macro USM f/16.0 16s aperture priority +0.0 evaluative 100 no RAW C1 Pro 1x1 |

This is probably the last of the shots I'll be putting up from my recent trip to Germany. It was taken as part of the commission for the Van Volxem winery, and if I'd been paying more attention when it was explained to me, I'd be able to explain it much better. What I can tell you is that it's significant that the vines are grown with this plant between them, but I can't remember the name of the plant, nor why it's especially significant.
All that aside, I think that the shot has sufficient merit to post anyway, even if I can't explain it properly ;-)
On a mostly unrelated matter: our latest tutorial went live today – Toning colour images. Further details are available here:
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12.57pm on 2/10/07 Canon 5D EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM 80mm f/5.6 1/125 aperture priority -1/3 evaluative 100 no RAW C1 Pro no |

This is the penultimate shot from my recent trip to Germany, taken during a lunch break in the vineyard.
On a totally different matter: for those of you who are waiting for me to publish our latest Photoshop tutorial – Toning Colour Images – which is due out today, my apologies, but its not going to be ready until tomorrow. I decided to rewrite a couple of the sections and doubt that I'll get them finished this evening.
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1.06pm on 2/10/07 Canon 5D EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM 180mm f/4.0 1/640 aperture priority +0.0 evaluative 100 no RAW C1 Pro 1x1 |

I came across this vehicle in a quarry near Wiltingen on my recent trip to Germany.
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10.28am on 6/10/07 Canon 5D EF 16-35mm f/2.8L II USM 22mm f/8.0 1/500 aperture priority -1/3 evaluative 100 no RAW C1 Pro no |

Though vineyards are generally quite attractive to photograph, I did wonder how else I might process them, hence this shot. And if you're interested, the original is here:
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5.06pm on 2/10/07 Canon 5D EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM 78mm f/4.0 1/320 aperture priority +0.0 evaluative 100 no RAW C1 Pro 1x1 |

This isn't an especially exciting shot, but it was fun to set up. What wasn't so much fun was cloning out all the dust spots: and at f/32 there were quite a lot, despite the fact that it isn't all that long since I cleaned my sensor.
On another matter: I've altered the way that images are displayed on chromasia, at least for those of you who have larger screens; i.e. if your browser window is full-screen with a resolution of around 1280 x 1024 you should find that a 3x2 image is now 1030px wide rather than 800px. If you're using a smaller screen, or have JavaScript disabled, you won't see the difference, but those of you with bigger screens should be able to enjoy a noticeably larger image. I'm not planning on resizing older images, and have only implemented the change on the main index page and the individual archive pages (so far), but would be grateful of your feedback, particularly in terms of usability, errors, and so on. I'd especially like to hear from people using IE on a PC as I don't have a PC with a large enough monitor to run any tests.
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4.53pm on 3/10/07 Canon 1Ds Mark II EF 100mm f/2.8 Macro USM f/32.0 1s aperture priority +1/3 evaluative 100 no RAW C1 Pro minor |

This one was taken at much the same time as this one, approximately 45° to the left.
On a loosely related matter: there's a discussion on my recent posts on Craig Judd's site today. Specifically:
"I mean I haven't spoken to Dave in length about his trip to Germany recently, but I would love to get his opinion on whether he felt as free of spirit to shoot in his usual style, or whether he was technically castrated by the requirements of the client."
And I'll answer that in a roundabout way ...
Tomorrow, John is coming over and I'm taking my 15mm fisheye for a stroll around our local multi-storey carpark, particularly the stairwells. I'm choosing the venue, the equipment, the subject matter, the company, and so on … and if I get anything decent, I'll post it here. And I will feel "free of spirit", as Craig put it, not least because there's no pressure, and the only needs to be met are my own.
When you shoot for a client, things can be quite different; i.e. the main priority is to satisfy their brief or expectations rather than your own. While I was in Germany I was extremely fortunate in that I had a lot of say over what got photographed, at what time of day, under what lighting conditions, and so on. Sure, I didn't have an entirely free hand – there were some things that definitely needed to be photographed – but I had a lot of input into the creative process. I should also add that had I been on holiday in the area I would probably have taken many of the shots I've posted anyway, so I guess that's a good sign that I didn't feel too constrained.
When I was in the Bahamas, on the other hand, I didn't have quite the same freedom, as the majority of the shots were art-directed; i.e. the agency knew exactly what the shot should look like. My job the was to realise their vision, not my own. And if you remember, the majority of the shots I posted from that trip were of the models I was working with, shot on my own time. If you're interested though, eight of the set shots are reproduced in this gallery.
So, what's the answer to Craig's question? I don't think there is a simple one, not least because I enjoy all three of the scenarios I outlined above, as much as anything else because their requirements vary. When you're working towards an art-directed shot, for example, it's your job to make the best of the scene, the lighting at the time, the props, and so on: and I really enjoy the technical aspects of that sort of work.
When you're working to a less specific brief, as I was in Germany, you have more freedom to ponder how to take a shot, when to take it, the best vantage point, and so on. And with this sort of job the challenge is both technical and aesthetic, and again, I really enjoy the challenge of having to find the shots to meet a brief.
Personal work, on the other hand, is more to do with aesthetics than any technical concerns. For example, I'll often go 'beachcombing' on overcast days as I much prefer diffuse light for those sort of shots; i.e. if the shot is available, I'll take it: if not, I won't. Likewise, I photograph my children at times when they don't mind being photographed, rather than attempting to get them to pose. And I guess that my best work, in my opinion at least, is done under these sorts of conditions.
All that said though, I don't think that any of the above scenarios impact on my "freedom of spirit": I love taking photographs, irrespective of the circumstances under which they are taken, or who I'm taking them for. I suspect that my best work is produced when I'm left to my own devices, or have a high degree of control of the process, but I also enjoy the challenge of more prescriptive commercial work.
Does that answer the question? I'm not sure ...
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2.00pm on 3/10/07 Canon 1Ds Mark II EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM 38mm f/8.0 1/50 aperture priority -1/3 evaluative 100 no RAW C1 Pro minor |

One of the things I learnt while in Germany is that there's a vast difference between hand-crafted wines and the ones that are mass-produced for the supermarket shelves. For example, only 5% of the world's vineyards are harvested by hand. For Van Volxem wines (the winery I was shooting for last month) each vineyard is picked three times: once to remove any bad grapes; on a second occasion, to harvest the first crop of grapes for their cheaper vintages; and on a final occasion to pick the remaining grapes for their more select wines. This photograph was taken to reference the hand-crafted nature of their wines, so it's a bit out of context when posted as a blog entry, but I decided that it was probably worth posting here too.
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2.04pm on 2/10/07 Canon 1Ds Mark II EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM 70mm f/4.0 1/160 aperture priority +0.0 evaluative 100 no RAW C1 Pro minor |

I'm not normally a 'morning' person, but I'm glad I was up to witness this scene. And don't ask why I was shooting at ISO 800, it wasn't intentional.
And my apologies to those of you who have already seen this one - I inadvertently published it when I meant to schedule it for today.
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7.45am on 6/10/07 Canon 1Ds Mark II EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM 48mm f/8.0 1/125 aperture priority +0.0 evaluative 800 no RAW C1 Pro no |

As promised, here's another landscape shot. There were two things that appealed to me about this one: the structure of the vineyards in the background, and the shooting hut in the foreground.
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5.33pm on 5/10/07 Canon 1Ds Mark II EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM 60mm f/11 1/85 aperture priority -1/3 evaluative 100 no RAW C1 Pro no |

So far I've posted some of the portraits I took during my recent trip, but over the next few days I thought I'd put up some landscapes. This one was taken about a mile north of Wiltingen, facing south towards a tight bend in the river Saar. As you can see, it was a beautiful location.
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8.45am on 5/10/07 Canon 1Ds Mark II EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM 24mm f/7.0 1/60 aperture priority +0.0 evaluative 100 no RAW C1 Pro 16x9 |

As promised, here's the second shot of Ralph. And thought I don't really know him, I suspect that this one is a more 'accurate' portrait than the last ;-)
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2.49pm on 6/10/07 Canon 1Ds Mark II EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM 70mm f/5.6 1/500 aperture priority +0.0 evaluative 100 no RAW C1 Pro minor |

I'm now back home from my trip to Germany and will write more about it after I've caught up on my sleep, but in the meanwhile here's the first of two shots of Ralph, an extremely photogenic apprentice at the Van Volxem winery. Tomorrow's shot is considerably more striking, but I really liked his expression in this one.
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7.50am on 4/10/07 Canon 1Ds Mark II EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM 70mm f/3.2 1/15 aperture priority +0.0 evaluative 400 no RAW C1 Pro minor |

Yesterday's shot was a portrait of Herr Wagner, today's is one of his son, Ralf.
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11.35am on 6/10/07 Canon 1Ds Mark II EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM 67mm f/4.0 1/80 aperture priority +0.0 evaluative 100 no RAW C1 Pro minor |

This is Herr Wagner, who owns one of the vineyards in the area we've been photographing. As you can see, his life has not been an easy one.
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1.39pm on 3/10/07 Canon 1Ds Mark II EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM 70mm f/4.5 1/100 aperture priority +1 evaluative 100 no RAW C1 Pro 1x1 |

Those of you who correctly identified yesterday's forest as a German one should pat yourselves on the back (other than the two of you who already knew) :-)
I'm in Wiltingen, near the Luxembourg border, and will be here until Sunday. I'm photographing the Van Volxem Winery, and though most of the work I'm doing for the client will probably remain in colour, I really liked the toned / black and white version of this one.
I'll tell you more about the trip over the next few days, but right now I need to get some sleep as we start shooting again at around 7.30am - which, for me - is just a little bit earlier than I'm used to ;-)
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12.45pm on 2/10/07 Canon 5D EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM 173mm f/5.6 1/160 aperture priority +0.0 evaluative 100 no RAW C1 Pro minor |